Internet Based Businesses

Internet Based Businesses

Our Internet businesses practice involves the entire range of issues concerning an online business. Not only does our practice extend to all facets of an online business, it extends to a wide range of Internet businesses including:

  1. Reverse auction sites;
  2. Gaming sites;
  3. Classified advertisement sites;
  4. Matrimonial sites;
  5. B-2-B platforms;
  6. Online education and training sites;
  7. Traditional brick and mortar businesses seeking to adopt an online business model

From a legal standpoint, online businesses are complex, not only because it is often difficult to understand the legal implication of a business idea due to the virtual medium it deploys, but also due to the fact that such businesses have the innate tendency to create electronic contracts, which in the absence of digital signatures always present a tricky proposition, whenever the contract requires legal enforcement and adjudication is consumer sympathetic.

Online Gaming

We specialize in laws relating to online gaming, having worked with numerous gaming sites regarding the legality of their business plans. Our practice in online businesses involves:
  1. Start - up advice and research leading to opinion on legality of complex online business models;
  2. Drafting all documents including drafting of customized Terms of Use, Privacy Policies and Disclaimers necessary for the business to be online; and
  3. Intellectual property protection and contractual advise;

We have advised:

  1. A major insurance company on soliciting and servicing prospective customers online;
  2. One of the most successful gaming sites in India on the legality of its business model;
  3. A major reverse auction site on its contract with members and subsequent member disputes.

We regularly advise numerous start-ups in drafting of their legal documents.